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Podcasters struggle with time-consuming editing tasks and technical challenges, hindering their ability to focus on creating engaging content.

My professional podcast editing service takes care of the technical details, ensuring your podcast sounds great and allows you to focus on delivering your message.

Transform your podcast today—schedule a free consultation and elevate your audio quality!


Welcome to the resources page. If there’s something you think I should add, let me no.

Dropbox tutorial

Dropbox web site

Click here to read a podcaster’s list of recommendations.
– The spreadsheet linked below is based on this. Both this resource and the spreadsheet assume that you already have a web site, and that you use WordPress.

spreadsheet: podcasting costs

Google Hangouts for podcasting

When you want the absolute best quality recording from your remotely co-hosted podcast, you record a double-ender.
– This also works when recording guests.

How To Edit Your Audio

Learn how one podcaster edits his podcast.

Optimize your computer for audio production

My SendSpace area

Dave Jackson’s thoughts on editing
– Many of the techniques he uses are techniques I use when editing.

Here’s Chris Ducker’s approach to decideing what to outsource.

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